Relational Communication
The Study of Temperament
This course is about Relational Communication. We offer a 6-week study of temperament from a biblical perspective. We lead healthy people into better understanding themselves and others which in turn causes effective communication.
“When we know who we are and why we act the way we do, we can begin to understand our inner selves, improve our personalities by understanding our God-given temperaments, and learn to communicate effectively and get along with others. We build better people, which builds better communities”.
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What is Temperament?
Temperament is your innate wiring from God. It is what you are naturally pre-disposed to; like eye color, fingerprints, inborn traits that affects our behavior. Things that are unchangeable.
What is Personality?
Personality is how you display your thoughts and feelings. It is your outward expression. It may not reflect our character due to masking to cover up weakness. Our personality is influenced by things like birth order, education, experiences which can and does evolve over time.
What is Character?
Character deals with your soul, the real you! Our individual mental and moral qualities. Our Natural Temperament is modified by childhood training, beliefs, principles, motivations. In other words, it’s like taking raw material and making something nice or unpleasant out of it.
Be Kind, Speak Kind and register today for our course!