Featured Book
Featured Book
This workbook provides exercises, reflections, and tools to help you work through your experiences of rejection and emerge stronger, with a renewed sense of self-worth and a deep understanding of God's acceptance. This book serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to address feelings of rejection, providing a framework for self-discovery, healing, and a deeper connection with faith. It demonstrates how faith and therapy can work together to bring about positive transformation in the face of rejection.
In Christ I am...
Scriptural Prayer Guide for Children
Ages 5-12
Joan Johnson
In Christ I am.. An Overcomer
A Parent Teacher Workbook Guide of Scriptures, Encouraging Prayers for Teens to Overcome Challenges
Ages 13-17
Joan Johnson
Speak it Out!
Daily Declarations for Kids
Ages 5-12
Joan Johnson
I Am Accepted
Rebuilding in the Midst of Rejection
Teens and Adults
Chelsey Johnson
I Am Rebuilt
Rebuilding in the Midst of Brokenness
Teens and Adults
Chelsey Johnson